The Angels in Heaven School reserves the right to properly select the students for admission in accordance with the academic standards it has committed itself to strive for. The school adopts an Open Admission/Selective Retention policy which means that the student must always see to it that he/she maintains the standards and criteria, which the school uses to determine his admission until the completion of his/her elementary course.
Guidelines for Student Applicant/s
1. The student applicant must pass the school entrance/placement test to be given by the Guidance / Admission Office and must favorably be endorsed by the Admission Committee.
2. A grade 1 applicant student must be able to read well and understand what he/she is reading.
3. A transferee in the elementary level, must have no failing grades or must not have been subjected to serious disciplinary action in his/her previous school. For high school level, a transferee must have a General Average of 82% or higher.
4. A returning student must present his/her Report Card of the previous school year and must not have a D-grade in Conduct to be allowed to re-enroll.